الثلاثاء، 1 نوفمبر 2011

Sexual Health Information Sessions

Staff from AIDS WEST and the HSE wish to provide some sexual viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy information sessions to residents of the Eglinton. We would aim to cover many topics in these sessions such as HIV, sexual health, information on sexually transmitted infections, prevention, treatment, screening etc.

HIVand Aids can affect people in all walks of like. It may be that you have the disease, or have a family member affected, or just want more information on the topic.
Ireland has the best treatment in the world.
With treatment, people can live a very good quality of life. Yet, we have reason to believe that this disease can be viewed very negatively as people coming from countries where treatment options don't exist have seen poor outcomes with regard to the illness.

We wish to remove false information, break down stigma, allay fears, and provide information on prevention, screening, treatment, on any aspect of sexual health.

We wish to provide this service in a setting and atmosphere where residents will feel welcome to attend, safe and in a format that is beneficial to them.

A Request to Residents!
With this in mind, we wish the residents to advise us on what type of information they want. They can suggest anything and don't even have to sign their suggestions. A general suggestion box will be left at the Eglinton reception.
For example, it will be open to men and women. Do people want a mixed group, men only, women only, small groups, big groups, topics to be covers etc etc.
We look forward to your replies